Title: World's Tallest Towers
(Picture 1)
Subtitle: Skyline 1905
Text: Completed in 1899, at thirty stories and 391 feet, the Park Row Building, at the far left of this skyline view, was the tallest office building in New York and in the world. At the center of the photograph, the spire of Trinity Church marks the western end of Wall Street. New York's early skyscrapers spread out along the north-south spine of Broadway between Bowling Green and City Hall Park. of Battery Park City.
(Picture 2)
Subtitle: Skyline 1909
Text: By 1908, when the Singer tower capped the skyline at 612 feet, the Park Row Building seemed dwarfed by a new generation of skyscrapers. A boom in construction had nearly doubled downtown's office space in a period of only five years. Squeezed onto the same block as the Singer was the City Investing Company Building, and one block north rose the enormous Hudson Terminal. Many new towers multiplied on Broadway and nearer the water.