Title: City of Towers

(Picture 1)
Subtitle: 1. Gillender Building, 1897, demolished 1910; Hanover Bank, 1900

(Picture 2)
Subtitle: 2. Bankers Trust, 1912; Hanover Bank, demolished 1931

(Picture 3)
Subtitle: 3. Empire Building, 1898

(Picture 4)
Subtitle: 4. Park Row Building, 1899

(Picture 5)
Subtitle: 5. Trinity and U.S. Realty Co. Building, 1905 and 1907

(Picture 6)
Subtitle: 6. City Investing Company Building, 1908, demolished 1969

(Picture 7)
Subtitle: 7. Liberty Tower, 1911

(Picture 8)
Subtitle: 8. Post Office, 1875, demolished 1939; Woolworth Building, 1913

(Picture 9)
Subtitle: 9. Equitable Building, 1915

(Picture 10)
Subtitle: 10. Barclay-Vesey Telephone Building, 1926

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