Title: The Hudson Terminal
Subtitle: The Hudson Terminal Buildings
Text: From their completion in 1908-09, the Hudson Terminal Buildings occupied the major part of two blocks from Cortlandt Street to Fulton Street -- where you now walk. The pair were connected by an upper-level bridge that spanned Dey Street, part of the old street system which was later demapped west of Church Street to create the superblock of the World Trade Center.
Seen here from the west, the buildings are big, utilitarian boxes, clad in red brick with beige terra cotta at the upper stories and ornamental sections with hipped roofs that give the illusion of towers. With a total of 1.1 million square feet of rental space, the nearly-twin 22-story blocks represented the largest office complex to date. The key to the success of these high-rise giants was their location directly above the station of the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad, the company that was also the developer for the project.