The Skyscraper Museum
The Skyscraper Museum Bankers Trust Collection
The Skyscraper Museum

The Skyscraper Museum is devoted to the study of high-rise building, past, present, and future. The Museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence. This site will look better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.


All donations include membership. Select an amount below.

Suggested donation levels:
• $50
• $100
• $250
• $500
• $1,000

Register and pay now:

The Skyscraper Museum
39 Battery Place
New York, NY 10280

Questions? Contact the Museum:
Phone: 212-945-6324
E-mail: admin[AT]