The Skyscraper Museum
Book Talks 2014
The Skyscraper Museum

The Skyscraper Museum is devoted to the study of high-rise building, past, present, and future. The Museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence. This site will look better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.

Jake Rajs & Francis Morrone Book Talk

New York City Landmarks

Antique Collectors Club, 2015

Rajs New York City Landmarks

In the second edition of New York City Landmarks,Jake Rajs’ amazing eye captures more than 70 of New York City’s most celebrated architecture in vivid new images, including the newest additions to New York’s landscape, One World Trade Center and the new Whitney Museum of American Art. Each image is accompanied by a short text, written by Francis Morrone, providing a comprehensive history and lively anecdotes. Born in Poland, Jake Rajs moved to Israel before immigrating to Brooklyn at age eight. His work has been featured in more than 10,000 publications and numerous books including New New York, New York: City of Island, Manhattan: an Island in Focus, and The Hudson River: From Tear of the Clouds to Manhattan.

Francis Morrone is an author, critic, columnist, literary historian, and teacher at NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies. His books include An Architectural Guidebook to Brooklyn,and An Architectural Guidebook to New York City. He also regularly leads architectural walking tours of New York City for the Municipal Art Society.

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The exhibitions and programs of The Skyscraper Museum are supported by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency.