Bankers Trust Building Construction Photographs 1910-11
Photo #B16321
Photograph courtesy The Skyscraper Museum
The demolition contractor has focused on removing masonry cladding from the Gillender Building; this photo was taken on a Thursday, three days after the previous photo (B16303), and demolition of the Stevens Building has not progressed. Now that a large amount of the masonry cladding on the Gillender Building has been removed, the contractor has spent several days preparing to increase the speed of demolition of the steel structure. The stiff legged derrick at the 11th floor within the middle bow window on the Nassau Street elevation of the Gillender Building was installed earlier in the week. There are now several derricks visible on the structure. Masonry debris continues to be removed through the interior chutes, though the longer steel or iron members are more efficiently removed whole by picking them from the frame with the stiff legged derricks.