Image Citations


   1874-1879  1880-1889    1890-1892    1893-1894    1895    1896    1897    1898    1899    1900


The low-resolution images here have been gathered from several principal sources, noted here. They are abbreviated as below, with page or plate number or URL citation.


160 Glimpses     One Hundred and Sixty Glimpses of Greater New York: From the Latest and Best Photographs. By Underhill, Irving S., Boston, Mass.: J.F. Murphy, 1904.


ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó

ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó by Montgomery Schuyler. Architectural Record, v. 8, January – March. 1899.

Arch Souvenir, 1894        Architectural Souvenir XXVIIIth Annual Convention of the American Institute of Architects.Ó American Fine Arts Building, New York. October 15-17, 1894.


BSOB               Both Sides of Broadway, from Bowling Green to Central Park, New York City. By De Leeuw, Rudolph M., New York City: De Leeuw Riehl Pub., 1910.


G.B. Post          ÒThe Works of George B. Post,Ó by Russell Sturgis. Great American Architect Series, no. 4, Architectural Record (June 1898)


Greater NY Album           Greater New York Album. One Hundred Selected Views, New York City, Brooklyn, Staten Island, etc. From Recent Photographs. Rand, McNally & Co,, New York City: 1895.   


KV 93               King's Handbook of New York City, Boston: Moses King, 1893.


KV 95               KingÕs Photographic Views of New York, Boston: Moses King, 1895.


KV 03               KingÕs Photographic Views of New York, New York: Moses King, 1903.


New Metropolis, 1899      The New Metropolis; 1600-memorable events of three centuries-1900; from the island of Mana-hat-ta to Greater New York at the close of the Nineteenth Century. Zeisloft, E. Idell. New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1899.


NYPL               New York Public Library, Digital Collection, Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy.


REBA 98           A History of Real Estate, Building and Architecture in New York City during the Last Quarter of a Century. By Portnoy, Lawrence. New York, NY: New York: Record and Guide, 1898.


RERBG             Real Estate Record and BuilderÕs Guide: Office Building Supplement, v. 61, no. 1580: June 25, 1898.


Unless otherwise noted, all contemporary color photography is credited to The Skyscraper Museum.





Tribune Building I

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, stereoscope, 1874

- REBA98, p. 556.

- Richard Morris Hunt, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum.

-LOC, 1873, Amstrong & Co. Hermann Claussen, Reporduction# LC-USZ62-100900

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, stereoscope, 1874

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# G91F211_007F,

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# G91F211_017F,


Western Union I

- The Manufacturer and Builder, v. 5, issue 12, December 1873 p. 280.

- Western Union Building, stereoscope, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum.

- ÒWestern Union Telegraph Building,Ó The Aldine: The Art Journal of America, v. 7 no. 10 (1874-1875): 258, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum.

- Select New York. By Wittemann, Adolph, New York: New York, 1889, p. 37.

- LOC, 1888, BirdÕs eye view, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-75512.


Evening Post Building

- KV95, p. 265.

- BSOB, p.111.




Morse Building

- KV95, p. 325.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580, June 25, 1898, Supplement p.16.


Schepp Building

- Finance and Industry: The New York Stock Exchange: banks, bankers, business houses, and moneyed institutions: the great metropolis of the United States, New York and Philadelphia: Historical Publishing Company, 1886, p.129.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID#720466F,

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Washington Building

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.19.

- KV95, p. 65.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.19.

- Select New York. By Wittemann, Adolph, New York: New York, 1889, p. 13.

- BSOB, p. 40.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 332, circa 1900.

- Greater NY Album, p. 5.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.


The Hawthorne

- Select New York. By Wittemann, Adolph, New York: New York, 1889.


Central Park Apartments

- KV03, p. 73.

- Select New York. By Wittemann, Adolph, New York: New York, 1889.

- KV95, p. 665.

- Where and How to Build. Hubert, Pirsson & Co, New York: New York, 1885, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, p 80.

- Ibid, p. 79.


Mills Building

- KV95, p. 109.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.18.

- KV95, p. 109.


Temple Court

- KV95, p. 323.

- Wiki Commons, 2012,


Hubert Home Club

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

-NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721251F,


The Gramercy

- The Gramercy, Brown Brothers, Courtesy of Stephen Garmey, 1905.

- ÒA Distinctive Residence Neighborhood.Ó Real Estate Record and BuilderÕs Guide, vol. 88, no. 2280: November 25, 1911.

- Photo by Andrew Alpern, 1968; Courtesy of Andrew Alpern.

-NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 720037F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (3 photos).


Welles Building

- BSOB, p. 43.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 330, 1911.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 433, 1911.

- LOC, 1900 Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction# LC-D4-13101.

- The New Metropolis, 1899, p. 463.



-NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717577F,


Berkshire Apartments

- Cornell University Library, A.D. White Architectural Photographs Collection, Accession # 15/5/3090.00496,

- The American Architect and Building News, Volume 14, August 4, 1883 no. 397.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721375F,


Produce Exchange

- KV 1908 – 1909, p17.

- BSOB, p. 38.

- KV95, p. 35.

- New York Illustrated by D. Appleton and company, 1885, p. 48.


The Dakota

- HABS. 31-NEYO, 74-7 LOC, 1890.

- Postcard, The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1900.

- REBA98, p. 688.

- HABS. 31-NEYO, 74-1 LOC, 1965.

- HABS. 31-NEYO, 74-1 LOC, 1965.

- HABS. 31-NEYO, 74-4 LOC, 1965.

- HABS. 31-NEYO, 74-5 LOC, 1965.


Knickerbocker Apartments

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708453F,

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708454F,

- LOC, 1905, Reproduction# LC-D4-18112.


Hoffman Arms

- The American Architect and Building News, Volume 17, January 24, 1885. No. 474, p. 111. Collection of The Skyscraper Museum.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721407F,


Chelsea Hotel

- Where and How to Build. Hubert, Pirsson & Co, New York: New York, 1885, p. 77. Collection of the Skyscraper Museum.

- The Official Hotel Red Book and Directory, Official Hotel Red Book and Directory Co., New York: New York, 1917. p.499.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 711677F,

- Wiki Commons, 2010,


The Osborne

- The Osborne, Collection of Andrew Alpern, photograph, circa 1887.

- The Osborne, Collection of Andrew Alpern, stereoscope, circa 1887.

- Our Firemen: A History of the New York Fire Departments, 1887, p.1038.


The Potter Building

- KV95, p. 319.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.20.

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a12626.

- Our Firemen: A History of the New York Fire Departments, 1887, p.1017.


Standard Oil Building I

- KV95, p. 70.

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08587


Aldrich Court

- BSOB, p. 48.

- King's handbook of New York City; an outline history and description of the American metropolis, Boston: King Moses. 1892, p.768.

- King's handbook of New York City; an outline history and description of the American metropolis, Boston: King Moses. 1908, p.17.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 716987F,


The New York Times II

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-D4-12492.

- Architectural Record vol. 1 no. 1 July-September 1891 p. 33.

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-D4-12492.

- Scientific American "The New 'Times' Building, New York-Erection of the New Structure Prior to the Removal of Old One.", August 25, 1888.

- New York Select, 1889 p. 45.


Gerlach Hotel/ Radio Wave Building

- KV95, p. 599.

- KV95, p. 598.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Tower Building

- BSOB, p. 49.

- REBA98, p. 469.

- REBA98, p.468.


Western Electric

- KV95, p. 189.

- RERBG, vol. 65 no. 1684 June 23, 1900, p. 1089.


Wilks Building I

- LOC, 1921, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-124934.

- KV95, p. 93.

- Architectural Record Vol. 7 No. 1 ÒA Review of Clinton & RussellÓ p. 27.;view=1up;seq=163

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 617, 1909.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1908.


Central Railroad of New Jersey

- KV95, p. 231.

- LOC, 1899, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction#LC-DIG-det-4a05433




Pulitzer Building/World Building

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a12605.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 675, circa 1900.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum Archive ID# 674, 1900.

- Rendering of the World Building, George B Post World Papers, Columbia University, Rare Books and Manuscript Library, gift of Joseph Pultizer Jr.


London and Lancashire

- REBA98, p. 581.

- KV95, p. 173.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 722593F,


Union Trust Company Building

- KV95, p. 75.

- BSOB, p. 59.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894. p 65.;view=1up;seq=125;size=150


Theodore Cohnfeld Building

- KV95, p. 475.


Rouss Building I

- KV95, p. 465.


FarmersÕ Loan and Trust Company of New York

- KV95, p. 47.

-  NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 723356F,

- Ibid


United Edison Building

-Architectural Record vol. 1 no. 2 October-December 1891 p.135.;view=1up;seq=155


American Express

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Columbia Building

- REBA98, p. 591.

- BSOB, p. 46.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 63.;view=1up;seq=123;size=150

- KV93, p. 769.


Healy Building

- The Brickbuilder, vol. 6 no. 1. Boston: Rogers & Manson, 1901, p. XXXI.


Western Union II

- KV95, p. 261.

- LOC, 1912, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# #LC-USZ62-127130.


Stokes Building

- REBA98, p.620.


Jackson Building

- LOC, 1901, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08050.

- Skeleton Construction in Buildings by William Birkmire, 1897, p.151.

- Ibid, p. 152.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 711401F,


Hotel Savoy I and II

- Greater NY Album p. 69.

- KV95, p. 643.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Circa 1905.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Circa 1905.


McIntyre Building

- KV95, p. 527.

- BSOB, p. 321.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2016.


Mail and Express Building

- KV95, p. 263.

- BSOB, p. 110.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 71.;view=1up;seq=131;size=150


Holland House

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p.104.;view=1up;seq=112

- KV95, p.586.

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p.104.;view=1up;seq=112


Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Building

- KV95, p.60.

- RERBG, vol. 51 no. 1298, January 28 1893, p. 122.


Metropolitan Life Insurance

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction#LC-DIG-det-4a12411.

- KV95, p. 569.

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction#LC-DIG-det-4a17564.

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction#LC-DIG-det-4a12411.

- Metropolitan Life Insurance; its history, its present position in the insurance world, its home office building and its work carried on therein. By The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, 1914. p. 42 Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Gift of Andrew Alpern.


Bennett Building

- KV95, p.271.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721881F,

- Ibid


Hotel Sevilla/ Central Park Mews

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Havemeyer Building I

-KV95, p. 239.

-RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.28.

- Pencil Point Magazine, January 1934 ÒThe Passing of New York CityÕs First SkyscraperÓ, p. 1. Courtesy of Darrin VonStein.




Manhattan Life Insurance

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898 Supplement p.30.

- KV95, p. 69.

- KV95, p. 73.

- BSOB, p. 55.


Hotel Netherland

- LOC, 1901, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08183

- KV95, p. 645.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 131, circa 1900.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.


Postal Telegraph Cable Company

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p. 108.;view=1up;seq=9

- KV95, p. 365.

- BSOB, p.134.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Home Life Insurance

- BSOB, p.134.

- KV95, p. 365.

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p. 108.;view=1up;seq=9

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Decker Building

- LOC, 1894, J.S. Johnston, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-83853.

- LOC, 1894, J.S. Johnston, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-68733.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 79.;view=1up;seq=139;size=150

- BSOB, p. 312.


Waldorf Hotel

- KV95, p. 595.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 57.;view=1up;seq=117;size=150


Mutual Life Building

- KV95, p. 215.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721873F,


The Gerrard/ Langwell Hotel/ Hotel 123

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 1558232,

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum.


Scott & Browne Building

- KV95, p. 359.

- KV03, p. 39.

- Marc Eidlitz & Son 1854-1914, By Eidlitz, Marc and Son, New York, 1914, p.26.


J. Monroe Taylor Building

- RERBG, vol. 51 no. 1299, February 4, 1893, p.171.


Kuhn, Loeb Bank I

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 722593F,

-  KV95, p. 171.


Continental Fire Insurance

- KV95, p. 207.

- Architectural Record Volume 7 no. 4 1897-1898, p.30.

- REBA98 p. 633.


Morris Building

- REBA98, p. 602.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 716907F,


Manice Building

-Frank LesliesÕs Popular Monthly vol. 36 October 1893, p. 398.;view=1up;seq=412

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 722590F,


Beresford Hotel II

- LOC, 1893, J.S. Johnston, LC-USZ62-100712.


Rhinelander Building

- REBA98, p. 609.


Metropolitan Realty Building

- KV95, p. 357.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.


Hanover Fire Insurance

- KV95, p. 169.


Fulton Building

- REBA98, p. 630.


Vanderbilt Building II

- KV95, p. 321.


Corn Exchange Bank Building

- REBA98, p. 614.

- KV95, p. 45.


Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association/ Langdon Building

- KV95, p. 409.

- BSOB, p. 162.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894, p. 15.;view=1up;seq=75;size=150


LawyersÕ Title Insurance Company

- KV95, p. 243.

- REBA98, p. 254.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 45.;view=1up;seq=105;size=150

- New Metropolis, 1899 p. 48.


Wallace Building

- KV95, p. 155.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


Hotel Majestic

- LOC, 1903, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-101589

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1898

- KV95, p. 671.

-LOC, 1895, J.S. Johnston, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-74609

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.


Diamond Exchange/ Hays Building

-RERBG, vol. 53 no. 1366 May 19, 1894, p.801.


Carnegie Hall II

- RERBG, vol. 60 no. 1554 December 25, 1897, p. 1006.


Sheldon Building

-KV95, p. 217.

-Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 102, circa 1915.

-KV95, p. 217.


NYU Main Building

- New York, the Metropolis: the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 49.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p 33.;view=1up;seq=93;size=150


Buckingham Hotel II

- KV95, p. 628.

- Architectural Record vol 4 no 3 April-June 1894 p. 433.;view=1up;seq=455

- New Metropolis, 1899 p. 296.


Richter Building

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717272F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2016.


Sachs Brothers

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Metropolitan Life Annex

- The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; its history, its present position in the insurance world, its home office building and its work carried on therein, 1914, p. 44. Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Gift of Andrew Alpern.


Fahys Building

- KV95, p. 251.

- New Metropolis, 1899, p. 48.

- Scientific American, Vol. 71 No 23 December 8, 1894, p. 1.

- Ibid.


New York Commercial Buildings

- Architectural Record Vol. 4 no. 3 April-June 1895 p. 374.;view=1up;seq=390

- BSOB, p. 272.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Boskowitz Building

- BSOB, p. 269.


The Ardea I

The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.




American Surety I

- BSOB, p. 65.

- LOC, 1913, Irving Underhill, Reproduction#LC-USZ62-122677.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 45, circa 1900.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 43 circa 1897.

- Scientific American, Vol 71 No 23 December 8, 1894, p. 1.


New York Life I

- KV95, p. 420.


American Tract Society

- KV95, p. 327.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894. p 9.;view=1up;seq=69;size=150


John Wolfe Building

- REBA98, p. 639.

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction # LC-DIG-det-4a08574


The Presbyterian Building

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a21016

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898, p. 31.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


Arnold Constable Building

- Marc Eidlitz & Son 1854-1914, By Eidlitz, Marc and Son, New York, 1914, p.42.

- KV95, p. 529.


710 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 269.


Wilks Building II/ Prescott Building

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


National Shoe and Leather Bank

- KV95, p. 375.

- BSOB, p. 146.

- 160 Glimpses, p. 12.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905.


Downing Building

- KV95, p. 275.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p 93.;view=1up;seq=153;size=150


Fidelity and Casualty Company

- KV95, p. 191.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p. 5.;view=1up;seq=65;size=150

-NYPL, digital collection, ID# 723579,


733-735 Broadway

-BSOB, p. 278.


Rhinelander Building II

- Architectural Record vol 7 no. 4, A Review of the Works of Clinton & Russell 1897-1898 p. 20;view=1up;seq=156




Bowling Green Building

- History of the Skyscraper, by Francisco Mujica, collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1928.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898, p. 33.

- Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition of the Architectural League of New York, v.11. 1896. p. 89;view=1up;seq=171

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


LordÕs Court

- 160 Glimpses, p. 11

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 724784,


German-American Building/ Provident Life Building/ Syndicate Building

- Architecture and Building magazine, vol. 24 no.16, April 18 1896, p.486-487.

- KV03, p. 238.


Hotel Manhattan I

- REBA98, p. 488.

- Illustrated Catalogue of Fireproof Building Materials. By Henry Maurer & Son, p. 72.


Gerken Building

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p. 111;view=1up;seq=119


Hoffman House II

- KV95, p. 567

- BSOB, p. 340

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717356F,


Hotel Imperial II

- BSOB, p. 371

- LOC, 1909, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a23251


Everard Storage Warehouse/Shepard Warehouse

- 1940, NYC tax photo, municipal archives

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 724169F,

- The Naftali Group,


Silk Exchange.

- BSOB, p. 228

- Architecture and Building magazine, Volume 27 No 19 ,1897, p. 163.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717876F,


American Thread Building/ Wool Exchange

- Architecture and Building magazine, Volume 24 No.16 April 18, 1896, p.422-423.

- KV95, p. 707.

- Arch Souvenir, 1894 p 29.;view=1up;seq=89;size=150


707-709 Broadway/ 270-274 Mercer Street

- BSOB, p. 268


San Remo Hotel Annex

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1900

- New Metropolis, 1899 p. 248


Lorsch Building

- Architecture and Building Magazine Volume 24 no. 16, April 18, 1896 p. 598.

- 1924, The Lorsch Building, Collection of the Federal Reserve.


Kennelly Building

- LOC, 1912, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# LC-USz620127117

- Bankers Trust Annex Construction Photographs #005, Collection of Skyscraper Museum, circa 1931.


Baudouine Building

- BSOB, p. 352.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717362F,


Hartford Building

- BSOB, p. 312


Revillon Building

- Don Friedman photograph, 2015.


532-534 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 241.


714 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 271.


Beard Building/ Foundation Building

- RERBG, vol. 59 no. 1519 April 24, 1897, p. 692.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Bancroft Building/ Van Ingen Building/ Marble Collegiate Building

- LOC, 1910, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a24496

- Journal of Surgical Technology Volume 1 no. 3, September 1900.


78 Fifth Avenue

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708349F,


135 Haggin Building

- BSOB, p. 202

- Architectural Record Volume 6 no. 4 April-June 1897, p. 465.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2016


708 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 269.


James Pyle & Sons I, II, III

- The New York Times, A New Eighth Ward Landmark, April 7 1895

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 718657F,

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 718654F,

-  New York, the metropolis: the book of its MerchantsÕ Association and of co-operating public bodies. By George W. Engelhardt. New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902. p. 169.

- KV09, p. 52


Carnegie Hall III

- KV03, p. 79.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2)




St. Paul Building

- History of the Skyscraper, by Francisco Mujica, collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1928.

- REBA98, p. 650.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 378,1900s.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 666, circa 1900.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, 1901.

- LOC, 1901, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08181.


Central National Bank

- KV03, p. 39.

- BSOB, p. 167.


National Bank of Commerce

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25, 1898, Supplement p. 35.

- REBA98, p. 669.

Commercial Cable Company

- The American Architect and Building News, Volume 57-58, December 11, 1897. No. 1146;view=1up;seq=501

-  Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 1 July-September 1897 p. 115;view=1up;seq=123

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, 1900.

- The New York Electrical Handbook, The American Institute of Electrical Engineers, p. 209.

- History of the Skyscraper, by Francisco Mujica, collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1928.


Queen Insurance Company

- Architectural Record vol 7 no. 4 April- June 1898 p. 478;view=1up;seq=562

-LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08574


Astoria Hotel

- LOC, 1902, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a09397

- LOC, 1899, J.S. Johnston, Reproduction# LC-USZ6-2070

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08045


Havemeyer Building II

- KV03, p. 41

- BSOB, p. 245

- Illustrated Catalogue of Fireproof Building Materials. By Henry Maurer & Son, p. 73

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2016.


Weld Building/ Sprague Building

- BSOB, p. 296.

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2016.


Coe Estate Building

- BSOB, p. 253.


Mills House #1

- REBA98, p. 447.

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-D401-18603


Johnston Building

- KV03, p. 20.

- Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition of the Architectural League of New York, v.11. 1896. p. 189;view=1up;seq=271

- Illustrated Catalogue of Fireproof Building Materials. By Henry Maurer & Son, p. 69


Gillender Building/ Manhattan Trust Company

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a08044

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 110 1900

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 645 1897

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, May 19, 1910


Gill Building/ New York Realty Company/ JewelerÕs Building

- The Jewelers Circular, vol. 36 n. 14 May 4, 1898, p. 22-23;view=1up;seq=29

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


Townsend Building

- BSOB, p. 342

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015

- Cyrus L.W. Elditz. Architectural Record, vol. 5 no. 4, April – June 1896, p. 433.


American Lithograph Building/ Gramercy Court

- Illustrated Catalogue of Fireproof Building Materials. By Henry Maurer & Son, p. 70

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID#708199F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


Astor Building

- BSOB, p. 246.

-  Architectural Record Volume 7 No 2, October-December 1897 ÒArchitectural Aberrations No 16 585-87 Broadway, New York.Ó p.  221.


Woodbridge Building

- REBA98, p. 655.

- Architectural Record, Vol. 7 No. 2 p. 228.

- NYPL Digital Collection, ID# 724797F,

- NYPL Digital Collection, ID# 1508625,


Hotel Royalton

- REBA98, p. 323.

- Postcard, collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905


491-493 Broadway, 444 Broome Street

-BSOB, p. 232.


Metropolitan Telephone

- KV09, p.45.


Globe Storage Warehouse

- New York, the Metropolis: the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 224.


Graham Building

- REBA98, p. 666.


La Rochelle

- The Edison Monthly vol. 9 no. 6 "La Rochelle" November 1916, p.216;view=1up;seq=144

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 417401,


830 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 301

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2016


832-834 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 301.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2016


39-41 West 3rd Street, 48-52 West 4th Street, east side of Wooster Street

- The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the house of Geo. Borgfeldt & Company, New York, By George Borgfeldt & Company, 1905

- New Metropolis, 1899 p. 423.


Baumann Building

- The New York Daily Tribune, November 21 1897, p. 3.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 1558190,


37-41 East 18th Street

- BSOB, p. 321.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


625  Broadway

- REBA98, p. 700.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717272F,

- Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, 2016 (2).


Decourcy Building

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 724049F,


Ashton Hotel

- Round-About New York, By Bloomingdale Brothers, New York, 1902, p. 104.


Korn Building

- BSOB, p. 279.


141-143 Fifth Avenue

- RERBG, vol. 60 no. 1549 November 20, 1897, p.770.


584 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 247.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).




Dun Building

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1902.

- REBA98, p. 667.

- ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó, p. 241.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1902.


Federal Archives/ AppraiserÕs Warehouse

- Records of the National Archives, RG 64, 1952.

- RERBG, vol. 53 no. 1365, May 12 1894, supplement p. 103.


Exchange Court

- REBA98, p. 657.

- BSOB, p. 51.


Empire Building

- KV09, p. 20.

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580 June 25 1898, supplement p. 37.

- REBA98, p. 475.


St. James Building

- BSOB, p. 344.

- ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó, p. 237.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Washington Life Building

- ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó, p. 247.

- Ibid p. 247.

- Ibid p. 248.

- Ibid p. 249.

- Ibid p. 258.

- BSOB, p. 78.


Singer Building I

- ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó, p. 240.

- Architectural Record vol. 11 no. 3 April 1902 p. 34.;view=1up;seq=476


SherryÕs Hotel

- The New Metropolis, 1899, p. 281.

- REBA98, p. 418.


Sampson Building

- REBA98, p. 660.

- REBA98, p. 661.

- KV98 p. 47


Morton Building

- RERBG, vol. 88 no. 2269, September 9 1911, p.347.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


Cushman Building/ William Barthman Building

- Architectural Record vol. 9 no. 2 October 1899 p. 166;view=1up;seq=180

-BSOB, p. 91

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


Hudson Building

- BSOB, p. 45.

- REBA98, p.662.


New York Life Insurance Company Annex/ Transportation Board

- KV03, p. 41 (twice)


Franklin Building

- REBA98, p. 663.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


William Matheson Building

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717939F,

- LOC, Reproduction# HABS NY,31-NEYO,56—3


Mills House #2

- Architectural Record vol. 11 no. 3 April 1902 p. 46;view=1up;seq=488


McCready Building/ Sohmer Building

- 1903, LOC, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a11171

-  NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717350F,


White Building

- LOC, 1905, Detroit Publishing Co. Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a22943


Anderson Building

- Architecture and Building Magazine, vol. 27 no. 15, October 9, 1897 p. 134.


Western Electric Sections A-D

- Marc Eidlitz & Son 1854-1914, By Eidlitz, Marc and Son, New York, 1914, p.50

- RERBG, vol. 65, June 23 1900, p. 1089.


Lyons Building

- RERBG, vol. 60 no. 1549, November 20 1897, p.764.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 717268F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


598 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 247

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


530 Broadway

- KV03, p. 45 (two).

- BSOB, p. 241.


Chesebrough Building

- REBA98, p.672

- Fireproof building construction : prominent buildings erected by the George A. Fuller Company

by Fuller, George A., Company, 1910, p. 76


580 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 247.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


New York Life II

- RERBG, vol. 61 no. 1580, June 25, 1898 Supplement p.38.

- BSOB, p. 183.

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 683, 1900.

- The New Metropolis, 1899, p. 478.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 720748F,


135 Fifth Avenue, NE corner of 20th Street

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708363F,


The Warwick Arms

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


142 Fifth Avenue, 3-5 West 19th Street

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Chanler Building

- BSOB, p. 159.


Hotel Martinique I

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 5226499,

- Columbia University Libraries/Information Services, Avery Classics, work of Charles T. Wills, call# AA737 W65 W65 F


Hotel Pierrepont/ Hotel Strand/ Hotel Stanford

- RERBG, vol. 67 no. 1724, March 30 1901, p. 540.




Park Row Building

- LOC, 1912, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-127126

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 280, circa 1900

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 668, circa 1900

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 671, circa 1900

-LOC, 1898, A. Loeffler, Reproduction#LC-USZ62-41748


Bayard Building/ Condict Building

- Architect Magazine, vol. 1 no. 3, March 15, 1900, p. 146.

- ARec 1899 ÒThe ÔSky-scraperÕ up to Date,Ó, p. 254.


Bourne Building/ Singer Building II

- Architectural Record vol. 11 no. 3, April 1902 p. 34.;view=1up;seq=466


Herald Square Hotel

- Architects and Builders Magazine, vol. 1 no. 5, Feb 1900, p. 163.


Vincent Building

- BSOB, p. 159.

- Architectural Record vol. 7 no. 4 A Review of the Works of Clinton & Russell 1897-1898 p. 101;view=1up;seq=157

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1902.


84 Broadway, 3-7 Wall Street, 1 New Street

- LOC, 1921, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-124934

- BSOB, p. 59.

- KV03, p. 17.


Standard Oil Building II

- LOC, 1915, Irving Underhill, Reproduction# LC-USZ62-125882

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 330, 1911

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 433, 1911


Jones Building

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 720746,


145-147 Fifth Avenue, SE corner 21st Street

- New York, the Metropolis: the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 225

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708364F,


296 Broadway

- BSOB, p. 159.


Commercial Building

- 160 Glimpses, p. 17.

- BSOB, p. 209.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


413 Washington Street, 74-76 Laight Street

- KV09, p. 52.

- New York, the Metropolis: the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 266.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 720222F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.



- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2)




Savoy Trust Company

- BSOB, p. 239.

- RERBG, vol. 73 no. 1891, June 11 1904, p.1450.


Rouss Building II

- KV03, p. 45

- NYPL, digital collection,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


The Ormonde

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 1558302,

- Image of the Ormonde, Wiki Commons,


Broadway Chambers Building

- 160 Glimpses, p. 12.

- BSOB, p. 150.

- RERBG, vol. 65 June 23 1900, p. 1088.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, Archive ID: 202, 1900.


North American Trust Company

- BSOB, p. 70.

- KV03, p. 27.


395-399 Broadway, 61-69 Walker Street

- BSOB, p. 208.

- New York, the Metropolis: the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 203.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


729-731 Broadway, NW corner Waverly Place

- Architectural Record vol. 9 no. 2, October 1899, p. 206.

- BSOB, p. 278.


The Swannanoa

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 417347,


American Exchange National Bank Building

- BSOB, p. 71.


632-634 Broadway, 166 Crosby Street

- BSOB, p. 253.


The Orleans

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 719087F,


The Lorraine

- The Brickbuilder Magazine, vol. 9 no. 11 November 1900, p. 240.


Hamilton Building

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 722401F,

- KV03, p. 635.


Annin Building, Houghton Mifflin Building

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Importers Building

- New York, the Metropolis : the book of its Merchants' Association and of co-operating public bodies, By George W. Engelhardt, New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902, p. 184.


Textile Workers Union of America

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 723688F,

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 711129F,


The Barnard

- 160 Glimpses, p. 46

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 417299,


Hotel Navarre

- Architecture Magazine, vol. 2 no. 11, Nov 15 1900, p. 463

- 160 Glimpses, p. 46.

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1900

- Postcard, Collection of The Skyscraper Museum, circa 1900


Hotel Iroquois

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2).


Hotel Manhattan II

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a17565

- LOC, 1904, Detroit Publishing Co, Reproduction# LC-DIG-det-4a11678

- Postcard, Collection of the Skyscraper Museum, circa 1905


Corn Exchange Bank Building

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


Asch Building

- The Insurance Press, vol. 32 no. 813, March 29 1911.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015 (2)


Parker Building

- New York, the metropolis: the book of its MerchantsÕ Association and of co-operating public bodies. By George W. Engelhardt. New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902. P. 224.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 708197F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


34th East 10th St

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.


122-124 Fifth, 3-7 West 17th, 2 West 18th

- New York, the metropolis: the book of its MerchantsÕ Association and of co-operating public bodies. By George W. Engelhardt. New York: George W. Engelhardt Company, 1902 p. 244.

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


Spinning Wheel

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015.

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 711603F,


Ardsley Hall

- Architectural Record "Recent Apartment House Design, vol. 11 no. 3: Jan 1902 p. 105.


Battery Park

- Architect Magazine, vol. 1 no. 3, March 15 1900, p. 106.

- Architectural Record: The Design of Our Tall Office Buildings, v.11 no. 2: Oct 1901 p. 707.


Hotel Essex

- Architecture Magazine, vol. 6 no. 36, December 15 1902, plate LXXIX p. 297.

- Architecture Magazine, vol. 1 no. 2, Feb 15 1900, p. 68.


840 Broadway

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 711169F,

- BSOB, p 301


Atlantic Building/ Atlantic Mutual

- A Short Historical Sketch of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, 1842-1901, p. 21.

- Architectural Record: The Design of Our Tall Office Buildings, v. 11 no. 2: Oct 1901 p. 709

- KV03, p. 14


Yale Club/ Penn Club

- 160 Glimpses, p. 50.



United Sugar Building

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 724633F,

- The Skyscraper Museum, 2015


513-514 Madison Ave, NE corner 53rd Street

- NYPL, digital collection, Image ID# 721375F,


Bishop Building

- LOC, 1900, Detroit Publishing Co., Reproduction # LC-DIG-det-4a08574